Christmas 2017, What Made It So Special

Christmas 2017, What Made It So Special

My wishes to everyone for a very happy New Year. I was thinking about what to write for the Christmas blog, and during our Christmas party it struck me what my 2018 was going to be about. Let me take a moment to share a bit about my family’s annual Christmas...
Dude Perfect, Never Give Up

Dude Perfect, Never Give Up

The best part of this video is when they break the world record for highest basketball shot (500 feet). I like this because it is motivational—it shows the importance of not giving up in life. Seeing them making that shot and seeing how much they celebrated, I think...
Unrevealed the Mystery of Time

Unrevealed the Mystery of Time

What a new perspective this story gave me! Often, I realize that the day is over and am left scratching my head wondering where did the time go. It always feels as though I did not play enough video games or basketball, or that I missed going to see my friends. Yet it...
My Best Trip Ever, Discovered Key to Success

My Best Trip Ever, Discovered Key to Success

Every year, we go to India, and it is the trip we all look forward to the most throughout the year. Of all our trips so far, this was the most amazing trip. When we landed in India, my Dad revealed that he had planned a surprise weekend at an adventure park in...
Karoly Takacs

Karoly Takacs

What an amazing story.  My father shares these stories with me every week, and this story specifically touched me. Like many of us all do, I struggle with staying positive and dedicated quite a bit. When things do not work out the way we want it to, it’s so easy...
My 1st Blog and the Lemonade Recipe

My 1st Blog and the Lemonade Recipe

Could not think of what I would write for my 1st Blog and while I was sitting down got a glass of Lemonade. And I said why not I share my world-famous lemonade called Limbu Pani in Indian with the world. Below is the Recipe to my world’s famous lemonade, but before...