The Atomic Energy Drive
Covid grows from negative energy, and we cannot stop the production of negative energy as it comes from many sources, but we can produce 100x positive energy so that we make it negligible in the grander scheme of life. Let’s do it.
Step 1: Pick one of these three ways to support the Atomic Energy Drive each day:
- Smile: Make someone smile, which generates positive energy
- Serve: Do something without the expectation of receiving, just for the joy of doing
- Pray: Pray for strength, belief, and a positive outlook
Step 2: Post or comment on a story from your actions to inspire others and tag #HealWithEnergy and me @AnujTalks12 on all social media.
Step 3: Pass on the message by sharing and let the chain of Atomic Energy get built.
Each day, simply do one of the three. Pass this to as many friends as possible. Remember, positive energy is the best form of healing, and it travels faster than any of us can imagine, as it travels in its separate dimension of time and space.

