So, where have I been? Being at college has taught me many things, but the one that stands out the most is learning to let go. As one of my favorite movie quotes goes, “No matter how hard you try, you will always miss out on something. So let’s just… enjoy the moment.” It’s a mindset I’m slowly beginning to adopt. I’ve grown and matured in ways I never thought possible. I’ve met new friends and reconnected with old ones, and even in moments of loss, I’ve found that something good always emerges. Change is hard but easier when you don’t let it change your core. This semester has also taught me that life is a series of endings and new beginnings. Each day is an opportunity to step up and create a better start for tomorrow. Not every story gets closure, and that’s okay. Sometimes, we must let go, move on, and trust that the future holds something brighter.

As the year is coming to an end, we tend to reflect on the past year and what we have learned. Honestly, this year might have been the best thing that has happened to me. It was a lesson in time, change, and relationships. My dad always says, “The week starts on Thursday and ends on Sunday.” While I’ve often agreed with him, part of me has always wondered—when is the time to make friends, go out, and truly enjoy life?

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been a night owl, finding solace and productivity in the quiet hours when the world seems still. But I’ve realized it’s not just because I’m productive at night; it’s because that’s when I know I’m not missing out on anything. There’s a strange comfort in knowing the world is resting while I work on my own journey.

We started talking about this topic a couple of months into college, and as a response, my dad encouraged me to identify three core principles I shouldn’t compromise on—a compass to guide me through life—and said your answers will lie within them. After weeks of reflection, I’ve found clarity. These principles are simple yet profound: family, community, and authenticity. These are what ground me, what I want to be remembered for, and what gives my life meaning.

Family always comes first. There are so many people who have done so much for me, and I’ve learned to never forget that. Culture and community come next. I’ve realized that while I’ve tried to explore new identities, like partying and being “cool,” it’s not me. The real me is the one who loves deeply, even if that love isn’t always reciprocated. It’s about loving myself and working hard while cherishing the people who genuinely care.

During Thanksgiving, I reflected not just on what I’m grateful for but on what gives my life meaning. For me, that’s relationships. At this stage in life, relationships are what anchor me. My sister once asked why I make so much effort to maintain them when others might not do the same. For me, it’s simple: life has no meaning without the people who help, support, and guide us. Even if relationships change or fade, I find solace in knowing I gave my best effort.

Change is complicated. A month or so ago, I lost a pendant that represented my grandfather. It felt like losing a piece of my foundation. But as my parents reassured me, sometimes, letting go is a sign of moving forward. Even so, I’ve realized that while the world constantly changes, it’s okay to hold onto the things that ground us.

Lastly, effort is what matters most. Whether it’s applying for 25 jobs and only hearing back from three or striving to maintain a cherished relationship, what counts is knowing you tried your best. Maybe, at the end of the day, none of this truly matters because we leave this world with nothing. But I believe the impact we have on others lasts forever.

One of the most surprising lessons this semester came from an unlikely source: my own reflection. In the chaos of new beginnings, I’ve discovered that my best friend has been with me all along—the person staring back at me in the mirror. College has taught me the power of pause and reflection. It’s in these quiet moments that I’ve met the true Anuj, shaped by the values instilled in me by family and friends. My reflection reminds me daily of who I am and who I strive to be.

As I move forward, I’m carrying these lessons with me. To my friends and family, thank you for shaping my journey and teaching me the importance of staying true to my roots. Success isn’t just about achieving goals; it’s about remembering where you started and who helped you along the way. As we prepare to close this chapter and step into a new year, I’m ready to embrace the opportunities ahead with gratitude, love, and a renewed sense of purpose. Here’s to living, loving, and forgetting—and to making every moment count.