Our Chandelier
One year, when I was cleaning around the house for Diwali, a thought appeared to me as I looked at the chandelier. I wondered how one thing made of such simple glass can illuminate so much, but if the chandelier gets dirty its beauty is not the same and does not light up the room. I had a moment and realized that the small pieces of glass which collectively make up the chandelier, similarly our thoughts are the small pieces that make up our character and if our thoughts get dirty, they do not spark the same way. I wanted to take this thought and try something new and many people have supported me and have responded. They have shared beautiful pieces of guidance that are going to light my Chandelier this year and I am sure it will help us all in many aspects of our life. This page is a collection of your thoughts and best wishes which you all have given to me to light up not my, but our chandelier. Once again, I am humbled and grateful for your guidance support in every aspect of my life throughout each step and I am looking forward to seeing your contributions to our chandelier.
This is the true joy in life, being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one. Being a force of nature instead of a feverish, selfish little clod of ailments and grievances, complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy. I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community and as long as I live, it is my privilege to do for it what I can. I want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work, the more I live. I rejoice in life for its own sake. Life is no brief candle to me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got hold of for the moment and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations. ― George Bernard Shaw
What is the source of the light? And can the small crystals of the chandelier become gems to transform the one light to its many colors and diversity.
You make your habits and then your habits make you. Find ways to live on purpose by crafting the habits you want.
Whether baking or writing, you have to start with quality “ingredients.” Trust the care and preparation that can go into gathering its component parts. It is the attention to those details that allow for the later enjoyment of a wonderfully finished product!
Without light we cannot see. With light we see colors, forms, space, and use it to interact with the world around us. Therefore, to create anything beautiful we must start with light. Learn to let your inner light shine and you will spread beauty everywhere you go.
I’ve realized that this world is a place for us to learn that we need each other more than we might like to admit. When I envision the Diwali chandelier, I think of all the lights as people who come into our lives–some need us and some we need. But all illuminate things we might otherwise never have seen.
To Innovate one must first renovate and it starts with renovating the software inside us our mind and thoughts.
If the chandelier is dusty the light will not come thru. Similar analogy can be applied, like each light bulb in the chandelier represents our sense organs and senses, if the light within us is fogged we will not sense our surrounding the way it is nor will be able to accept the way it is and will hurt us as well all around us. Thus, to have all our sense organs the senses always clean and tuned to live a Happy and fulfilling life.
Don’t judge too quickly, that can cloud judgment.
Do what’s you intrinsically right as a human being and you will always do what is right, even if your actions are perceived in a wrong way by others.
Bringing family members together to celebrate to share and to create lifelong memories is what I believe is the true essence of Diwali.
Healthy and happy families!
The gift of light reveals many blessings in our lives, especially those people who love and support us, and reminds us to be aware and grateful for the grace present in each of our days. We must also be light to others: sharing our gifts, encouraging and inspiring by offering joyful hope to all we encounter. Shine brightly!
Light and love conquer all darkness. In your life, let your light guide you towards love and kindness. Let your light reflect on others helping them to shine bright. There will be challenges along the way and your light may dim but have faith that darker times will not last. Light and love always prevail!
People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
Some people choose a path in life, while others create their own.
Be honest, make bold choices, hold the highest expectations, take the time to enjoy each moment, and always do your best.
This Diwali, Let’s light a lamp of love. Blast a chain of sorrow. Shoot a rocket of prosperity. Fire a flowerpot of happiness. Shine your own light. Follow your own path.
During this festival of lights, let’s identify how we can shine a little brighter than before – be grateful for all that we’ve been blessed with, dispel negativity, and bring joy & light to our lives and those of others, in whatever small way we can.
This Diwali let us brush of the dust of worry and light our lives with his grace through which we will start seeing joy in each moment of life.
Your best is always good enough. Taking action to only get good grades or please others may create pressure for you. When you put forth your best effort and enjoy learning for yourself, the outcome will take care of itself.
The same dirt is on your thought and behaving if you can clean chandelier with cloth or spray of water to clean your thought you have to work little hard first you have to create good thought.
Being with family and acknowledging how lucky you are to be loved and cared for by those around you. Diwali is a reminder every year that we are lucky to have a family and we should not take them for granted.
The negative thoughts that come in the human mind can be altered into positive by making small changes in our nature and focusing more on what and how we interact with everyone through the whole day.
It’s important to keep all the pieces in check, not just by cleaning periodically but also to make sure that their connection is secure.
Look at the bright side. Chandelier to me represents something rich and glamorous. Let’s enrich our lives by looking at the bright side to things.